雖然說聖誕是西方玩意兒,Father Chrismas 和散財童子比,我怎麼都喜歡幼齒的多一點。不過...我還是很相信,有時候堅持一些聖誕傳統是好的。就像是中國新年要有傳統,我家的傳統就是得吃阿婆做的直徑超過100公分的超純蘿蔔糕(開玩笑,幾百隻個大蝗蟲吃,不一次蒸多一點怎麼撐的過過年啊!),黃澄澄的大土雞和溫潤的長年菜湯;沒吃到這些東西就感覺沒有過到年,就是有些缺憾。
而在聖誕節,對我來說,一定得有些聖誕氣息的東西~~~烤箱裡就是得有裡面沒有 mince 的 Mince Pie,馬克杯子裡就是得有紅酒與柳橙汁、香料、白蘭地與水果煮成一鍋的熱熱的 Mulled Wine,空氣中就是要飄散著肉桂香氣,窗戶前就是要掛起亮晶晶的聖誕樹,餐桌上就是得有一顆顆圓滾滾的 Brussels sprout(抱子甘藍),大盤子裡就是得有一隻烤的香蘇動人的聖誕鳥~~
雖然這我以前寫過,不過我還是想要再說一次:其實在英國 1950 年以前,聖誕吃的不是火雞,而是肥嫩嫩的烤鵝。而自從我加入十八家的聖誕慶祝節目以來,他們家十次有八次都是吃火雞的。
雖然壓力很大,畢竟如果只有我和十八兩個人吃,阿烤爛了就把黃金丟掉跪一下,說聲我對不起你,再買個巧克力甚麼的就成了;阿現在是全家,全家耶!!!! 有爸爸媽媽大姐二姐大姐夫二姐夫弟弟弟妹爺爺奶奶外公外婆連鄰居都有可能吃到,你說能不緊張嗎??!!!!! 不過,這食譜,真的可以做出來我吃過最moist的超棒火雞!!!!! 用這食譜烤出來的火雞,都不需要gravy,也不需要另外的調味或任何東西,單吃那火雞肉,就會讓你感動的流眼淚,然後破口大罵「這真的是火雞嗎?!」這....不和其他人分享怎麼可以勒???!!!!!
好,來!現在假設現在這隻鳥有大約 4-5 公斤,9-11 磅安捏。阿鹽水的濃度是固定的,最好就是6%的濃度安捏,可是其他香料什麼鬼的就自己斟酌著放!!! 感謝食譜貢獻者烏魚!!!
食譜分四部份,有 Brine,Stuffing,Broth and Gravy。先泡鹽水(Brine),再塞火雞(Stuffing)。烤的時候淋上高湯(Broth),然後吃的時候配肉汁(Gravy)吃。
- 6% solution of salt water 濃度6%的鹽水 (For those who can't be bothered: ml x 0.06 = salt in grams, 懶惰的人可用水量毫升 x 0.06=所需鹽巴克數大約來計算)
- Brown sugar, same amount as salt 與鹽巴同等量的黑糖
- 2 oranges, quartered 柳橙,切四瓣
- 2 lemons, quartered 檸檬,切四瓣
- 6 sprigs thyme 百里香
- 4 sprigs rosemary 迷跌香
- 1 x 4-5kg turkey 火雞,或是你喜歡的任何鳥。
- 1 large orange, cut into 1/8ths 柳橙,切八瓣
- 2 tablespoons unsalted butter at room temperature or extra virgin olive oil 奶油或橄欖油
- Ground Black Pepper 黑胡椒
- 1 large onion, cut into 1/8ths 洋蔥,切八等份
- 1 stalk celery, cut into 1-inch pieces 一根芹菜,切2.5公分小塊
- 1 large carrot, cut into 1-inch pieces 紅蘿蔔,切2.5公分小塊
- 2 bay leaves 月桂葉
- 2 sprigs thyme 百里香
- 2 sprigs rosemary 迷跌香
- 1 handful of sage 鼠尾草
- 3 or 4 sprigs parsley 洋香菜
Stuffing 2018 update:新配方,有香腸肉的比較好吃。
- 2 medium onions, finely chopped
- 3 celery sticks, finely chopped
- 1 springs rosemary, finely chopped
- 1tbsp chopped flat leafed parsley
- 175g white bread, diced
- 1 cooking apple, peeled, cored and finely chopped
- 125g cooked, peeled chestnut, roughly chopped
- zest of one orange
- salt and black pepper
- 650g pork sausages
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 蔬菜油
- Reserved turkey neck and giblets 火雞柏與內臟
- 1 large carrot, coarsely chopped 紅羅蔔切塊
- 1 onion, coarsely chopped 洋蔥切塊
- 1 large celery stalk, coarsely chopped 芹菜一根切塊
- 1 small bay leaf 月桂葉
- 500-600ml turkey stock, chicken stock, or canned low-salt chicken broth 高湯
- 500-600ml water 水
- Turkey broth/meat juice from the bottom of the roasting tin 烤盤上剩下的汁液
- 200ml red wine 紅酒
- 1-2 tbsp all-purpose flour 普通麵粉
- Salt and freshly ground black pepper 海鹽與黑胡椒
- Some water, if needed 水, 如果需要的話
- Brine: To make the brining solution, dissolve the salt and sugar in cold water in a non-reactive container. Add the oranges, lemons, thyme, and rosemary.
- Remove the neck and giblets. Rinse the turkey inside and out under cold running water.
- Soak the turkey in the brine, cover and refrigerate, for at least 4 hours up to 12 hours.
- Stuffing: Remove the turkey from the brine and rinse well under cold running water. Pat dry with paper towels both inside and out.
- Place turkey on a rack on top of a large roasting pan. Mix olive oil (or butter) with 1/4 of the herbs. Rub the breast with orange segments and rub all sides with the oil (or butter), stuffing some herb/oil mixture underneath the skin. Season lightly inside and out with pepper.
- Stuff the turkey with the onion, remaining orange, celery, carrot, bay leaves, thyme, rosemary, sage and parsley. Loosely tie the drumsticks together with kitchen string.
- or, using 2018 updated stuffing version: Gently pan fry the chopped onion, celery and rosemary for 10-12 minutes, until the vegetables are soften. For actual "stuffing" pan fry the cubed sausages then mix well with 1-9 before stuff the stuffing into turkey's backside. However, I now normally bake the sausage stuffing in two loaf tins, 180 degrees C for 35-40 minutes.
- Broth: Heat the oil in a large heavy saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the turkey neck and giblets to the pan about 1 minute. Add the chopped vegetables and bay leaf to the pan and saute until soft, about 2 minutes. Pour the stock and water into the pan and bring to a boil. Lower the heat to medium-low and simmer for 20-40 min. Strain the stock into a clean pot or large measuring cup, or just remove the turkey neck and giblets.
- Preheat the oven to 170 degrees C.
- Pour the turkey broth in to the bottom the of roasting tin, with turkey on the rack, make sure the broth is not touching the bird. Cover with tin foil, then cook breast side up for 1 hour.
- Remove from the oven, and baste with the broth from roasting tin. Baste the turkey once every hour or half an hour, for about 2 3/4 to 3 hours.
- Remove from the oven and place on a platter. Tent with aluminum foil and let it rest for 20 minutes before carving.
- Gravy: Using a spoon carefully remove most of the hot fat from the tray, place the tray back on the hob over a high heat, mash all veg and add the flour, stir well. Add the alcohol and some hot water if needed. Bring to the boil, scraping all the goodness from the bottom of the pan as you go and simmer for 10 min.
- Brine:製作濃度6%的鹽水。計算好需要多少食鹽後,拿等量的黑糖與鹽巴與冷水混合。加入切好的柳橙,檸檬,百里香和迷跌香。
- 把內臟和脖子留著,把火雞,或是你喜歡的鳥,拿去水龍頭下沖乾淨,尤其是腋下跨下之類的一定要洗乾淨!
- 把火雞泡在鹽水裡面,丟到冰箱冰好。不是冰庫,不是溫度比較低的那個,不可以做冰塊的那個,是 Fridge 安捏。少則四個鐘頭,如果可以泡她個 12 個小時那最好。
- 要送入烤箱前,火雞取出用冷水仔細沖洗,擦乾火雞。
- Stuffing:會需要一個上面有鐵架子的烤盤。如果不知道我在說什麼的可以看這邊。把火雞放在金屬架子上,把奶油或橄欖油與1/4的香料混合均勻,拿瓣柳橙當刷子,刷抹這些油啊香料啊在火雞身上,不要忘記皮與肉的中間也要塞油! 事後再灑上一些黑胡椒。
- 把剩下的 stuffing 材料都塞到火雞的屁股裡面。
- 或,用 2018 新香腸肉版本。先把 1-3 小火炒 10-12 分鐘,如果要塞入火雞,那要先把香腸切小塊炒熟後再與其他材料混合均勻塞入火雞。可是我現在都不塞了。我把炒熟的 1-3 跟 4-10攪拌均勻後放入烤盤 180 度烤箱烤 35-40 分鐘即可。
- Broth:先煎一下內臟和脖子,再加入蔬菜和香料,加入高湯和水,小火煮20-40分鐘,看個人需要多少高湯以及想花多少時間。可以把高湯過濾後再使用,不過我就只有把內臟和脖子取出,留下蔬菜在裡面。
- 烤箱預熱170度C。
- 剛剛製作的高湯倒入烤盤裡面,抹好油的火雞放在鐵架子上,火雞胸朝上,用錫箔紙蓋住先烤一個小時。一個小時候就可以拿開錫箔紙。
- 每半個小時或一個小時就取出,把底下的高湯用大湯匙或是 Baster 淋到火雞上。烤三個小時或烤到熟。
- Gravy:把烤盤裡剩下的醬汁去除多餘的油脂後,把烤盤拿去瓦斯爐上開大火,把高湯裡面的蔬菜都攪爛成糊,加入麵粉攪拌均勻,加入紅酒,如果需要可以加點熱水,看各人喜歡多稠,再轉小火煮10分鐘即可。
有多驚人勒,說十八她姐姐和姐夫,兩個從出生(後沒幾年)年年吃火雞吃到現在的人,每次吃都一定得配 gravy,不然就會看那乾燥的火雞胸肉從叉子上的塊狀,到嘴裡很神奇的成木屑狀,非得喝一大杯水去軟化那不知道是什麼肉的肉;到今年,說吃火雞肉,還是火雞的胸肉喔!!! 居然一點肉汁也不需要!!!!! 聖誕大餐後還緊緊的握著我的手,充滿淚光的說「明年也請烤火雞吧~」
然後十八她霸,全鶯歌數一數二的難纏傢伙,向來只吃很英國的東西的人,說住在英國沒吃過印度咖哩(我真的不知道全英國會有多少個六十幾歲的男人還沒吃過印度咖哩..但是我敢肯定一定不會很多!!!),中午固定吃英國(還不是法國喔)土司配 Marmite,去外頭吃餐廳不是選英式 Sunday Roast,就是很英國的 Shepherd's Pie 啊,Cottage Pie之類的。所以我第一年試烤火雞,老爸一開始只拿了小小小小小小的一片火雞肉,意思意思安捏,畢竟聖誕節咩,不好這麼不合群。喔,當時真的是看得我膽戰心驚,心跳就差沒破兩百五!!!! 就看老爸慢條斯理的先吃了些抱子甘藍,又吃了些烤防風根,才拿叉子把那一小片的火雞肉,放進嘴巴。就看他眼睛一亮,馬上快手添了滿滿一大盤火雞到自己盤子裡!!!!!!(大笑~~)