花了三秒撇嘴下決心,一百七十二天的找尋,兩百八十五天的辛勤種植,一直到現在,夢幻等級指數高達八的草仔粿總算出現了。我的心中充滿了無數的感激與千萬個不可置信,畢竟,我也不知道我花半年多找到的這株 Wormwood 是不是真的就是我們吃的艾草,就算真的是同種同科我也不知道會不會淮橘為枳,我唯一有的就是神農百草的精神與一個不怕拉的肚子。以及周老師。喔沒有周老師我也不會有今天。
Makes 12
- 20g of fresh wormwood leaves or 3-5g ground wormwood leaves 艾草
- 280ml water 水
- 50g dark brown sugar 糖
- 300g sticky rice flour (also known as glutinous rice flour, sweet rice flour) 糯米粉
- 60g rice flour 在來米粉
- 80g dried shredded mooli, washed and roughly chopped 蘿蔔絲乾,菜脯米
- A handful of Chinese mushrooms, thinly sliced 香菇
- 2tbsp of dried shrimp, finely chopped 蝦米
- 100g pork mince or (if you are feeling adventurous) chopped pancetta 豬絞肉
- 1tbsp cooking oil 油
- 1/4-1/2 tsp of salt, or 1 tbsp soy sauce 鹽,或醬油
- 1-2 tsp ground white pepper 白胡椒粉
- 4 bamboo leaves, divide each leaf into 3, washed and oiled. Or greased paper 粽葉
- Blanch the fresh wormwood leaves in lightly salted water for a couple of minutes, drain and squeeze out excess water. Blend the fresh wormwood leaves with 2 until very fine. Add the sugar, stir until dissolved. If using dried wormwood leaves, just mix them with the sugary water.
- Place 4 and 5 in a large mixing bowl, pour in the liquid, stir the mixture with a wooden spoon or a pair of chopsticks to form a dough.
- Grab about 60g of dough, form a ball shape, cook it in boiling water for about 4 min, then return the cooked dough back in the mixing bowl, fold the dough over and push down with the heel of your hand repeatedly, add more water if needed, the dough is ready when it is smooth and elastic. Divided evenly into 12 small balls.
- Heat 1tbsp of oil in a wok, tip in the chopped pancetta, stir fry for 2-3 minutes, add 6-8 and stir for a further 10 minutes, season well. The filling needs to be slightly salty and requires lots of ground white pepper.
- Place the filling in each small dough just like making a dumpling. Place them on oiled bamboo leaves then steam until cooked.
- 把新鮮艾草先在微鹽水中煮兩分鐘後濾水擠乾。加入水把艾草打爛過濾後,加入糖攪下讓它融化。如果用乾艾草粉就直接和糖水攪拌下即可。
- 拿個大攪拌碗把糯米粉和在來米粉與艾草糖水用根木棒或是一雙筷子喇一喇。
- 取出約60g的米團當板媽,拿去熱水中煮四分鐘後與剩餘米團攪拌均勻,分12小團。
- 炒鍋加油炒豬肉約2-3分鐘後加入6-8繼續炒,炒到它香,加些鹽巴和白胡椒粉。要比單吃更鹹一點點,多點白胡椒粉是好事。
- 把餡包入米團內,放在抹油的粽葉上蒸到熟。
板媽做法可以參考「冬至被刺激出來的湯圓」。粿皮約 57.5 g 一個,技術不好的話內餡包 20-22g,技術好點的可以塞多點。
再,英文名是十八取的,不要問我為什麼要叫它 Pasty 而不是什麼 bun 還是怎樣的,十八爽怎麼取我就怎麼寫。
艾草本人其實和雜草一樣,隨便種隨便長,記得當初是好鄰居給我的,說知道我在找 wormwood 找了很久都找不到,不小心給好鄰居在花園中心看到了就買了盆送給我。小小的一盆,不到十公分高,上頭還標著「Chinese Medicine」。淡綠偏銀的葉子任我怎麼揉怎麼聞都不像草仔粿,八成是少了蘿蔔絲乾所以整個聯想不起來。可是我還是沒放棄,反正死馬當活馬醫,吃不了它我也有些綠意在花園裡頭。沒想到放進土裡幾個月後,這傢伙居然長得和大樹一樣大!!!夏過秋至,嚴冬來臨,細嫩的葉子上還沾著雪,這都還死不了,真的是比雜草還堅強。
可是,要當神農總不能才剛吞下口草發現自己沒死就馬上拿給別人吃吧?就算吃個巴豆也得等個幾分鐘才會發作,所以沒膽馬上給十八吃,可是那草仔粿的餡兒我絕對百分之三千萬確定吃了不會死人! 為什麼會剩下這也有個小故事。周老師是說用80-100g的蘿蔔絲乾,我就乖乖的十足十的把阿婆給我的蘿蔔絲乾掏出了一百克來用,偏偏包粿的技巧沒人好,弄個是皮厚餡兒少,十二顆都包完畢了餡兒還剩下老大半。與十八兩兩相望後,煮了鍋飯很奢侈的吃了鹹香十足的草仔粿餡拌飯。
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