18 February 2011





Fish liver and soft roe salad 涼拌魚肝


  1. 1 fish liver 魚肝
  2. A pair of fish soft roe 魚白
  3. 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped 大蒜
  4. 2 spring onions, thinly shredded 蔥絲
  5. 1 medium size tomato, finely chopped 番茄
  6. 1tbsp chopped coriander 芫綏
  7. 2tbsp soy sauce, 2tsp rice wine, a pinch of ground white pepper and 1tsp sesame oil 醬油、米酒、白胡椒粉和香油

  • Blanch 1 and 2 in slightly salted water, allow it to boil for 30 seconds, turn the heat off, wait for 1 min. Fish it out and allow the liver and soft roe to cool. Cut into bite sized pieces.
  • Mix 3-7, toss it with chopped liver and soft roe.


  • 薄鹽水煮滾加入1和2,滾30秒熄火再浸泡1分鐘。取出瀝乾等涼,切小塊。
  • 把3-7倒入碗裡攪拌均勻,加入切好的深海魚肝和魚白。

有些夫妻是神仙眷屬,甜蜜恩愛蜜裡調油的像是拼圖一樣凹凸相契;阿有些夫妻勒,恩,也是像拼圖一樣凹凸相契啦,只是一個常常無語問蒼天,一個是蒼天。畢竟,蒼天是分不出來葡萄柚和梨子的差別的(不信自己問問。第十三、十四、十五棒,當然是得由我們鶯歌的最佳打情罵俏夫妻檔「書僮與娃娃」來接!!! (夫妻兩人牽手一起跑,可以跑的比較遠!!!)

Stewed ham hock in coke 可樂滷豬腳


  1. 2-3 pettitoes/ham hock/hough/pig's feet/pigs trotters 豬腳
  2. 2 spring onions 蔥
  3. 4-6 slices of ginger 薑
  4. 2-4 cloves of garlic 蒜
  5. 1-2 chilli (optional) 辣椒
  6. 1tsp sichuan peppercorn, whole 花椒
  7. 2-4 star anises 八角
  8. 1-2tbsp rock sugar 冰糖
  9. 200ml coca-cola 可樂
  10. 100ml water and 100ml K. C. Chinese Marinade, or 200ml water with a chinese bouquet garni 水和李錦記滷水汁,或是直接用水和滷包
  11. 50ml soy sauce 醬油
  12. 25ml rice wine 米酒

  • Place 1 in a large pot and cover with cold water. On a very low heat, very gently cook for 30min, do not let the water boil. Pour away the water and rinse the ham hock thoroughly.
  • Mix 2-12 and the ham hock in a large cast iron pot, bring to the boil then turn the heat off, place the lid on allow the ham hock to be marinaded in the sauce over night. 
  • Heat up the ham hock with sauce thoroughly before serving.

原版靈活運用比例食譜請到「Alight Here」!

  • 跑活水:把豬腳放在冷水裡,小小小火煮三十分鐘,不要讓水滾。髒水倒掉,用清水把豬腳洗乾淨。
  • 拿個鑄鐵鍋把豬腳和2-12丟進去,煮滾後馬上熄火。蓋蓋子,醃過夜。(如果用滷包而非鹵水汁,請煮滾後轉小火繼續燉煮20-30分鐘後在熄火)
  • 要吃之前在把豬腳煮滾一次即可!


Mixed offal soup 下水湯


  1. 200g chicken livers, cut into bite sized pieces 雞肝
  2. 200g pig's kidney, cut into bite sized pieces 豬腰
  3. 8 slices of ginger, chop 4 of them into thin strips, leave the other 4 slices whole 薑片和薑絲
  4. 1 spring onion, shredded 蔥絲
  5. 100ml rice wine 米酒
  6. 1tsp sesame oil 香油
  7. 1tsp ground white pepper 白胡椒粉
  8. 250-350ml chicken or vegetable stock 雞或蔬菜高湯

  • Blanch 1+2 in boiled water with 50ml rice wine and the 4 whole slices of ginger for a few minutes. Remove and set aside.
  • Add the remaining 3-5 to the stock, add livers and kidney. Before serving add 6 and 7.

  • 煮鍋水把50ml米酒和四片薑片丟進去,川燙雞肝豬腰後取出。
  • 把剩下的薑絲、米酒、蔥絲丟入高湯,加入雞肝豬腰,煮沸。食用前加入麻油和白胡椒粉。


Honey baked chicken liver 蜂蜜烤雞肝


  1. 200g chicken livers, cut into bite sized pieces 雞肝
  2. 2tbsp honey 蜂蜜
  3. 1tbsp soy sauce 醬油
  4. 1tbsp rice wine 米酒
  5. 2tbsp oil 油
  6. 2 cloves of garlic, mashed 蒜茸
  7. 2-3 slices of ginger 薑片

  • Marinate 1 in 2-7 for 4 hours.
  • Bake in oven at 190C for 30min. Can be served with roast potatoes or rice.

  • 把雞肝與2-7混合醃四小時。
  • 烤箱190度C烤三十分鐘,可以配烤馬鈴薯或飯一起吃。






Deep fried chicken foreskin 炸雞皮


  1. 200g chicken skin 雞皮
  2. 1tsp chilli powder 辣椒粉
  3. 1tsp salt 鹽
  4. 1tsp ground white pepper 白胡椒粉

  • Pat dry the skin with paper towels, deep fry it in 180-190C oil until golden brown and crispy.
  • Toss the crispy skin with 2-4. Close your eyes and enjoy it!

  • 用廚房紙巾擦乾雞皮,用180-190度C油溫炸到金黃酥脆。
  • 撒上2-4,閉上眼睛吃掉!(書僮,這兩個字故意寫給你的~)


松露玫瑰 said...



新新 said...

