咱們 International 7 Day Offal Relay 下水大串聯才進行到第三天,已經可以看到下水們在世界各地不停的被烹煮著,照片也有如飛機般的飛來!!! 萬分感謝大家的參與,請不要客氣的繼續散播下水散播愛!!!
不要說我們歐洲幫的勢力強大,第七八棒連著跑,就由我們加拿大代表,持有神祕食材的多倫多潔西接棒!!! 從小閱讀武俠小說,一直都覺得地理位置很重要。就像是天山老人的袖子裡面隨便掏掏都有些天山雪蓮,何太太的內衣裡也有萬年何首烏之類的,在加拿大無污染的北冰洋也會有些奇珍異寶!! 乍看之下像是害羞扭扭的花枝片,歐不,歐不不不(食指猛搖!!)。
這個,就是桂花蚌,也就是海參腸!!!! (大哭!! 這個叫我要去哪裡生啦!!!)
Stir fry chinese chives with sea cucumber muscle in x.o. sauce 韭菜花X.O.醬爆炒桂花蚌
- 500g (or 1lb) sea cucumber muscle, cut into 5cm long pieces 桂花蚌
- 220ml (1 cup) milk 牛奶
- 300g chinese chives, cut into 5cm long pieces 韭菜花
- 2tbsp mashed garlic 薑茸
- 1tbsp mashed ginger 蒜茸
- 1tsp chilli powder 辣椒粉
- 1tbsp X.O. sauce 李錦記XO醬
- 1tbsp rice wine 米酒
- 3tbsp shrimp soy sauce 蝦抽
- Salt and ground white pepper 鹽和白胡椒粉
- Soak 1 in 2 for 30 min, wash thoroughly. Mix 8 and a bit of salt, marinate the sea cucumber muscle for 15 min.
- Heat the oil in a frying pan, add 5-7 and 1tbsp of mashed garlic, stir, add sea cucumber muscle with marinade and 9, stir a bit more, until the sea cucumber muscle turns white but is not quite fully cooked. Remove and set aside.
- Clean the frying pan, heat a bit more oil, add 1 tbsp of mashed garlic, stir, add 3, stir for another minute or two, add the sea cucumber muscle with ground white pepper, stir until cooked.
- 泡桂花蚌在牛奶裡三十分鐘,洗淨。用米酒和一點鹽醃桂花蚌醃他個十五分鐘。
- 熱鍋,爆香5-7和一大匙的蒜茸,翻炒,加入桂花蚌、醃醬汁和9,炒到約七分熟起鍋。
- 洗鍋,爆香一大匙的蒜茸,下韭菜花,炒一兩分鐘後加桂花蚌連汁翻炒加胡椒粉收汁起鍋。
是說喔...如果..如果這麼倒楣的每次買個桂花蚌,都得買她一公斤安捏(人生真的是太辛苦了,想只吃一點點都不可~~),五百克拿去炒了韭菜花,那剩下五百克怎麼辦?!!!!!!! 喔不用擔心,你還可以來個白灼桂花蚌!!!!!!!
Scalding sea cucumber muscle with shredded spring onion, ginger and chilli 白灼桂花蚌
- 500g (or 1lb) sea cucumber muscle, cut into 5cm long pieces 桂花蚌
- 220ml milk 牛奶
- 200g bean sprouts 豆苗
- 2 spring onion and 1 chilli, shredded 蔥絲辣椒絲
- 3-4 thin slices ginger, chopped into thin strips 薑絲
- 3tbsp shrimp soy sauce 蝦抽
- 1tbsp each of ground nut oil and sesame oil 花生油和香油
- Soak 1 in 2 for 30 min, wash thoroughly.
- Blanch 1 and 3 in boiled water for a few minutes, remove and rinse in cold water.
- Heat up 7, pour into a bowl, mix in 4-6 add 1 and 3, done!
- 泡桂花蚌在牛奶裡三十分鐘,洗淨。
- 豆芽燙熟,桂花蚌放入熱水,拖水後撈起。
- 熱7,倒入一碗,加入4-6喇一喇加入桂花蚌和豆芽,吃!

Soon-doo-boo seafood stew with fish hard roe 韓國海鮮豆腐魚卵湯
- Pulmuone tofu broth seasoning pack or 500ml fish broth/fish stock 韓國豆腐湯底或魚高湯
- 350g (1 block) soft tofu, finely chopped 嫩豆腐
- 2-3 button mushrooms 洋菇
- 200-250g mixed seafood (white fish, shrimp, mussels, octopus, squid, clams etc) 混合海鮮
- 220g (1/2 lb) hard roe 魚卵
- 200g bean sprouts 豆芽
- 1 spring onion, chopped 蔥花
- chilli oil to taste 辣椒油
- Heat 1 until boiled, add 3-5, boil again add 2 and 6-8, done!
For more details on cooking direction please see 「真話藥水格」. And I do mean a lot more...
- 把1煮開丟入3-5,再度煮沸後丟入2和6-8,就好了~
喔這個真的要來獎賞一下啦~這雖然不是第一個來接棒的英文食譜,不過這絕對是幫我中文英文全都翻譯妥妥當當完整美好的啦!!! 寫的又詳盡又可愛又好還有個人感想!!! 我都不忍心直接 copy and paste!! 真是太貼心了!!! 不要說寫部落格比寫論文還難,我寫論文的時候都沒這麼認真....(好理家在我教授看不懂中文!!!)

第十棒,無天無地運推自來的新科鍋美人,與樓上同處於美西的,大家要很正經的,絕對不可笑出來的:「臨稚齡算了 」。
又被稱為「蔬菜海洋」、「淚滴卡卡」、「我一愣」、「水塘」...同時堅決自己應該是「我不是香草」。是說人家為了來接棒,可真的是絞盡腦汁的在想說要煮些甚麼好,甚麼菜心、豆皮、蘿蔔肝、胃藥都跑出了!!! (你再皮啊你!!!!)連豬腰都是活生生的...
Pig's kidney with rice wine and ginger 酒香豬腰
- 300-400g pig's kidney 豬腰
- 3tbsp sesame oil 麻油
- 3-4 slices ginger 薑片
- 1 spring onion, cut into 4 蔥段
- 150-300ml rice wine 米酒
- salt to taste 鹽
- Remove any white membranes (and renal corpuscle) and wash thoroughly. Marinate with 50ml rice wine.
- Score the outside of the kidney and cut into bite size pieces, blanch it and rise under cold water.
- Heat the sesame oil in a pot (in this case, a 1.9 litre le creuset cast iron heart-shaped casserole dish), add 3, 4 and the kidney pieces, add 100ml water. boil, add 5 and 6.
- 豬腰子處理一下,去除中間的腎球之類的,用50ml的米酒醃一下。
- 豬腰畫花切小塊,川燙一下用冷水清洗。
- 熱麻油,爆香3和4,下豬腰,倒入100ml的水,煮滾,丟下剩下的米酒和一點鹽。

Sesame oil chicken gizzards 麻油雞胗
- 350g chicken gizzards 雞胗
- 30-50g sliced ginger 薑片
- 3tbsp dark sesame oil 黑麻油
- 400ml rice wine/sake (or half wine half water) 米酒或月桂冠
- 1tbsp soy sauce 醬油
- Blanche 1 in boiled water for a few minutes, remove and rinse it under cold water.
- Place a pressure cooker on the hob, low/medium heat, dry-fry the ginger for about 2min, add 3 cook for another 8min.
- Add 4 and 5, set pressure cooker to cook for a further 10 min.
- 雞胗熱水汆燙,沸騰後撈出沖涼水。
- 取壓力鍋,中小火乾煸薑片2分鐘,加入麻油約8分鐘。
- 加酒和醬油,壓力鍋模式煮10分鐘。
大家嘛幫幫忙~~~兩公斤桂花磅吃不完冰起來 下次吃火鍋涮涮涮涮涮涮!!!
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