我愛奈姐。奈姐就是那個以使用超多奶出名的大胸部豐滿女神 Nigella Lawson。以前奈姐還是奈妹時期因為有個出名的老爸和有錢的老媽所以有不少曝光率,後來大家發現奈妹怎麼說都也是明眸皓齒身材凹凸有致(鶯歌標準很人性化),人又聰明又有個生意腦袋,先是當了 the Sunday Times 的 Deputy Literary Editor,後來還自己寫書有了自己的烹飪節目,以充滿挑逗的吃相,動不動舔個手指甚麼的,一下子變成許多爸爸們夢中情人。
威尼斯紅蘿蔔蛋糕 Venetian carrot cake(BBC Food)
- 3 tbsp pine nuts or almond flakes 松子或杏仁薄片
- 2 medium carrots (approx. 200-250g/7-9oz) 紅蘿蔔
- 75g golden sultanas 黃金葡萄乾
- 60ml rum 蘭姆酒
- 150g/5oz caster sugar 糖
- 100ml regular olive oil 橄欖油
- 1 tsp vanilla extract 香草精
- 3 eggs 蛋
- 250g ground almonds 杏仁粉
- ½ tsp ground nutmeg, or to taste 肉豆蔻的核仁之類的?
- ½ lemon, finely grated zest and juice 檸檬
- Put the golden sultanas in a small saucepan with the rum, marinate it for 10-20 minute. Bring to the boil, then turn down and simmer for 3 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 180C.
- Line the base of a 23cm round springform cake tin, and grease the sides with olive oil.
- Toast the pine nuts or almond flakes in a dry frying pan over a low heat until golden browns. Set aside.
- Grate the carrots in a processor (for ease) or with a coarse grater, then sit them on a double layer of kitchen paper and wrap them, to soak up excess liquid. Set aside.
- Whisk the sugar and oil until creamily and airily mixed.
- Whisk in the vanilla extract and eggs and, when well whisked, fold in the ground almonds, nutmeg, grated carrots, golden sultanas (with any rum that clings to them) and, finally, the lemon zest and juice.
- Scrape the mixture into the prepared cake tin and smooth the surface with a rubber spatula. The batter will be very shallow in the tin.
- Sprinkle the toasted pine nuts or almond flakes over the cake and put it into the oven for 30–40 minutes, or until the top is risen and golden and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out sticky but more or less clean.
- Remove from the oven and let the cake sit in its tin on a wire rack for 10 minutes, then unspring and leave it on the rack to cool.
- 拿個小鍋子把黃金葡萄乾和蘭姆酒丟進去,泡10-20分鐘,然後開火至滾,轉小小火煮三分鐘。
- 烤箱預熱180度C,烤模準備好,該塗油的塗油之類的。
- 先拿個小平底鍋乾炒松子/杏仁片,炒到香(變金黃色)。取出放一邊。
- 紅蘿蔔刨成絲,用廚房紙巾吸乾水分,取出放一邊。
- 打5+6打到鬆,加入7+8打均勻,拿個木勺把杏仁粉,肉豆蔻,黃金葡萄乾,紅蘿蔔絲與糖油糊攪拌均勻,加入檸檬汁和檸檬皮,倒入烤模裡,撒上炒香的松子/杏仁片,烤30-40分鐘。
- 烤完後等蛋糕涼了再從烤模裡取出!
Gluten free,dairy free,簡直就是我的救星,好難得可以這樣大口吃蛋糕。松子和蛋糕中滿滿的杏仁粉相互輝映,口感鬆軟又綿密。一絲絲的紅蘿蔔和撲鼻的檸檬香氣混著酒香,不可謂不迷人。所以一出爐不到三十分鐘就被解決掉一半...
她的食譜我不敢試, 不過看她作菜挺娛樂的,風情萬種遣詞用字又超posh的, 吃飯時間看很讚 .
她的食譜其實不錯, 味道絕對西方, 不管是做泰國菜還是墨西哥菜, 都會自己改變一下, 有奈姊自己的風格. 我都把她的食譜裡面說要奶油的按照常理改成橄欖油, 當然不能改的就謝謝再見!!
她不愧是Queen of Food Porn啊!
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