11 October 2015

孟老師二次發酵黑芝麻饅頭 Black Sesame Mantou Steamed Bread


可是因為太過創意,有些餐點老實說我看英文實在看不出個所以然來... 美其名為嘗個新鮮,實際上咱一行人只是在瞎子吃春卷,盲點。十幾道港式點心上桌每個都認不大出來到底誰是誰。連咬到嘴巴裡面都還有點不大確定。是說這有可能與創意二字一點關係都沒有,如果給我選的話我應該會說 Steamed Bun 是兇手。

對不起,這其實是集體犯案,Dumpling and Bun 是主謀,Pasty and Puff 是從犯,Pan Fry and Steam 是脅從犯,Pork and Prawn只是教唆犯。如果沒有個 Shanghai 只寫個  Steamed Dumpling 我(假若不懂中文的話)會以為那是個蒸餃。光寫 Pork and Prawn Dumpling 我會以為那是個蝦餃。可是如果那是個蝦餃,那 Clear Shrimp Dumpling 又是什麼?!!這叫全世界看不懂中文的三十億人口怎麼活啊?!(吃義大利麵活)



個人覺得,二次發酵法或是老麵做出來的麵團在搓揉時充滿甜香,自然迷人,雖然一開始搓揉時比較黏手,可是做出來的包子饅頭真的不同。對於那些靠手感的神人們,二次攪拌法=先弄濕濕的麵團,吸個地板洗個碗之後再多加麵粉弄成團。對於我這種沒有手感可言的人,在「孟老師完美皮餡比例 Ms Meng's Perfect Dough vs Filling Ratio」裏頭只有寫出所需麵粉與水的公式分量,顯示為不大完美。所以如果要用二次攪拌法的話,可以簡單在腦子裡頭記著先放 70% 的麵粉和全部的水,等發酵個四十分鐘到兩個小時之後(看室溫)再放其餘 30% 的麵粉。


孟老師芝麻饅頭:Ms Meng's Black Sesame Mantou - Semi Old Dough Method

Makes 10. P.s. Mantou = Steamed Bread, without using bread flour, and do not bake it in the oven.

  1. 260ml water 水
  2. 3g instant yeast 酵母
  3. 350g plain flour 中筋麵粉

  1. 150g plain flour 中筋麵粉
  2. 70g caster sugar 細糖
  3. 5g vegetable oil and 35g ground black sesame seeds 油+黑芝麻粉 or 40g black sesame paste 黑芝麻醬

  • Mix A together until all the flour leaves the side of the bowl and you have a wet, rough dough.
  • Cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for between 40 minutes and 2 hours. 
  • Mix in B, sit the dough onto a floured surface and begin to knead until the dough becomes smooth and silky.
  • Allow the dough to rest for about 5 minutes.
  • Knock back the dough by folding it in on itself repeatedly. Do this until all the air is knocked out and the dough is smooth.
  • Divide the dough by half. Flatten the dough into a 30x40cm rectangle. With the long side facing you roll the dough like a Swiss roll so that you have a smooth top with a seam along the base. Very gently roll with the heel of your hands.
  • Divide each of the rolled dough into five pieces, place in the steamer with parchment paper, cover and leave to prove for 20-30 minutes at room temperature, or until doubled in size.
  • Steam until cooked.

蒸好完成 vs 正在等待最後發酵大小比例照

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