20 May 2009

Meatloaf 肉條



  1. 1 tbsp oil and 2 rashers of bacon, chopped; or 100g of Pancetta, chopped
  2. 1 onion, finely chopped 洋蔥
  3. 500g pork mince 豬絞肉
  4. 100g breadcrumbs 麵包屑
  5. 1 egg, beaten 蛋
  6. 1 tsp of salt 鹽
  7. 2 tbsp tomato puree 濃縮番茄
  8. 1 tbsp dried tarragon or thyme
  9. salad and new potatoes to serve
  • Preheat the oven to 180C (fan oven 160C).
  • Fry the bacon in oil, or if you are using pancetta no need to add extra oil.
  • Fry the onion with bacon/pancetta for 3-5 min until soften.
  • Mix 3-8 with onion and bacon/pancetta, press into a loaf tin, bake, uncovered, for 1 hour
  • Serve with 9, done!

  • 烤箱預熱180度C,風扇烤箱160就好
  • 先煎培根,不過如果用 Pancetta 就不需要加油煎(Pancetta會出很多油!)
  • 炒洋蔥3-5分鐘給他炒到軟
  • 把 3-8 和洋蔥以及培根攪一攪後放到一個長方形烤膜,不要覆蓋,烤一個小時
  • 配新鮮沙拉,蔬菜,小馬鈴薯就可以吃了!(不過我忘記弄了,就隨便煮煮一些蔬菜了事...哀)


話說這 Meatloaf 上面還可以加東西,加一點培根放一點麵包屑,再擺上起司拿去烤烤也是很美味的不過大家自己享受我就不加了嗯哼。

For Topping - optional:
  1. 2 rashers of bacon/pancetta, chopped
  2. 25g breadcrumbs
  3. 50g cheddar cheese, grated

  • Dry fry the bacon/pancetta until crisp. Remove from the pan.
  • Fry the breadcrumbs in the same pan until just golden.
  • Mix all three together. Five minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle the topping over the meatloaf and bake it for another 5 min!

  • 乾煎培根煎到香脆,拿出來
  • 用同一個盤子煎麵包屑,也是煎到香酥脆
  • 把培根麵包屑和起司攪拌均勻,在 Meatloaf 要烤好的前五分鐘把料撒上去,再烤個五分鐘即可!!!!!!!

The end。


好吧我以為是 the end 可是其實不是。我很榮幸的與大家宣布,我現在有個一個更好,更強大,更令人黯然消魂的改良版肉條食譜!!!!

結合了莎瑪的 Glazed Meatloaf 加上我的疾病,現在這個肉條可以說是史上最強大之一的肉條。不信的,可以自己試試看。

  1. 100g of Pancetta lardons 義大利煙薰肉丁丁
  2. 1 onion, finely chopped 洋蔥
  3. 500g pork mince 豬絞肉
  4. 100g breadcrumbs 麵包屑
  5. 50g apricots, you can soak the apricots in 12 year old single malt scotch whisky or whatever you can find in the cupboards thats expensive and tasty when your other half calls you a t-rex and claiming your arse is so big that you can almost see it from the outer space, finely chopped. 杏桃
  6. 1 egg, beaten 蛋
  7. 1 tsp of salt 鹽
  8. 2 tbsp tomato puree 濃縮番茄
  9. 1 tbsp dried tarragon or thyme 百里香
  10. 90g brown sugar 糖
  11. 2tbsp cider vinegar or red wine vinegar 蘋果醋或紅酒醋
  12. 2tbsp balsamic vinegar 巴沙米克醋
  13. 2tbsp dijon mustard 狄戎芥末
  14. 30ml water 水
  • Preheat the oven to 180C.
    • Fry the onion with pancetta for 3-5 min until soften.
    • Mix 3-9 with onion and pancetta, press into a loaf tin, bake, uncovered, for 1 hour
    • Get a small saucepan mix 10-14, bring to boil, coated the meatloaf with the mixture every 15 min of the bake.
    • Serve with roast potatoes and fresh veg, done!

    • 烤箱預熱180度C
    • 炒洋蔥和義大利小肉丁丁約 3-5 分鐘炒給他給軟
    • 把 3-9 和洋蔥以及小肉丁丁攪一攪後放到一個長方形烤膜,不要覆蓋,烤一個小時
    • 拿個小湯鍋把10-14丟進去攪拌均勻小火煮滾,每十五分鐘就淋到肉條上一次
    • 配烤馬鈴薯新鮮蔬菜等等一起吃

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