18 May 2009

烤肥鱸與意式紅椒 Baked Sea Bass with others


自從前幾個星期我從美國回來之後,十八不知道吃錯什麼藥(ADD?),每天都很勤奮(這到底是褒還是貶....)。不單單房子整理的乾乾淨淨讓我大吃很多驚之外,還花了整個寶貴的週末陪我在花園裡做東做西(蔬菜圃!),還洗衣服,還煮番茄牛肉麵給我吃,前幾天晚上還做了這道(小心!名字很長!)Baked Sea Bass with Roast Peppers, Tomatoes, Anchovies and Potatoes 來撫慰我空虛的肚子(肚子外面的油不算!)。

四人份  Serves 4
  1. A good pinch of saffron
  2. 900g potatoes, peeled and sliced into 1cm thick
  3. 4 plum tomatoes, skinned and quartered
  4. 50g anchovy fillets in oil, drained
  5. 150ml chicken or vegetable stock
  6. 4 red peppers, seeded and cut into 8 chunks
  7. 8 cloves of garlic, each cut into 3
  8. 2-3 tsp of oregano
  9. 85ml olive oil
  10. 1x1.5-1.7kg sea bass, 
  11. salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • Soak the saffron in a tea cup using 2tbsp of hot water.
  • Boil the potatoes for 7 min, in the mean time preheat the oven to 200C. Drain well and arrange them in a narrow strip over the base of a large roasting pan - the potatoes should form a bed for the fish, leaving plenty of room on either side for the red peppers.
  • Scatter 3+4 over the potatoes, then pour over the saffron water and 5, then add 6 on either side of the potatoes and sprinkle over 7-9. Season well with 11 and bake for 30min.
  • Slash the fish on one side give it an attractive zig-zag pattern, rub it with olive oil , season it well and then rest on top of the potatoes bake for a further 35 min, or until the fish is cooked.

  • 用兩大湯匙的熱水泡泡番紅花。
  • 把切成片的馬鈴薯先煮個七分鐘先,再拿個大烤盤把一片片的馬鈴薯斜斜的擺在中間 - 因為之後魚要擺在馬鈴薯的上面,烤盤兩邊得放紅椒等東西。
  • 把3+4隨意丟在馬鈴薯上,倒上番紅花以及浸泡的水,還有5,之後在把6放在馬鈴薯兩旁,撒下7-9。加上11送入烤箱烤30分鐘!
  • 把魚的一邊切“閃電型/鋸齒形/人形花刀 = /\/\/\/\“(或是你隨便怎麼爽切都無所謂啦其實...),抹上橄欖油抹點鹽以及黑胡椒粉,丟進烤箱在烤個35分鐘,或是等魚熟了就可以吃了。



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