19 October 2015

懶人三招之被爛翻譯拖累的鮭魚米豆飯 Kedgeree with Lentil and Salmon


Kedgeree 是我的懶人三招的第二招。成功率百分之百,變化率百分之百,清冰箱百分之百,號稱三百料理。只要愛吃米飯的應該沒有不愛他的。我的 Kedgeree 通常有兩種版本,一種是用醃製過的鯖魚,切碎白煮蛋,洋蔥,池上米,檸檬汁以及梅林辣醬油喇成的。另外一種是用新鮮的鮭魚,小綠扁豆,池上米,三倍的洋蔥與雞高湯做成的。我有說過我家用的是池上米嗎?

鮭魚米豆飯 Kedgeree with Lentil and Salmon

  1. 3 large onions, sliced 洋蔥
  2. 2tsp garam masala 馬薩拉
  3. 3 cloves of garlic, crushed 大蒜
  4. 80g split green lentils, soaked in 300ml boiling water for 15 minutes, then drained 小扁豆
  5. 850ml chicken stock 雞高湯
  6. 225g rice 差不多是一杯半大同電鍋米杯
  7. 1 green or red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped 辣椒
  8. sale and pepper 鹽巴黑胡椒
  9. 350g salmon fillets 鮭魚塊

  • Caramelised the sliced onions.
  • Add the garam masala and garlic stir for a couple of minutes, add the drained green lentils and stock, cover and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Add rice and chilli, bring to boil cover the pan, reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes.
  • Place the salmon fillets on top of the rice, cover until the fish and the rice is cooked.
  • Flakes the fish, server.

  • 洋蔥炒軟出糖味。
  • 下印度馬薩拉香料粉和大蒜,喇約莫兩分鐘。下過濾後的小扁豆和雞高湯,蓋蓋子小火煮10-15分鐘。
  • 加入米和辣椒末,煮滾後蓋蓋子轉小火再煮10-15分鐘。
  • 魚放米上,蓋蓋子至魚和米熟。
  • 鮭魚弄散,喇一喇,盛盤。



Ah well...

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