24 October 2017

吮指香黏烤豬肋排 Sarah Cooks Stickiest Ever BBQ Ribs


原食譜出自 BBC Good Food - Stickiest Ever BBQ Ribs by Sarah Cook。我只有量化以及做些小改變。BBC 說漸漸的要把食譜們下架,沒個備份什麼的以後可就哭死了。

Serve 1-4 people

  1. 1.4kg of pork ribs
  2. 2-3 cans or 700ml-1Liter of classic coca cola
  3. 2 tsp toasted sesame seed (optional)
For the sauce
  1. 8 tbsp tomato ketchup, approximately 136g
  2. 8 tbsp soft brown sugar
  3. 2 tbsp soy sauce
  4. 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  5. 2 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
  6. 1 tsp paprika
  7. 1 tbsp Colgin Liquid Smoke (optional)

  • Pack the ribs snugly in a deep roasting pan with cola covering the ribs, oven temperature set to 160C cook for 2 hours, or, cook the ribs in a cast iron pot on the hob filled with cola, simmer and cook for 2 hours.
  • When the ribs are done, remove and pat dry the ribs and put in a fridge-friendly container. Tip away the extra liquid.
  • Place all the sauce ingredients in a small saucepan. Heat over a low heat and stir allowing the sauce to bubble for about 2 mins.
  • Pour the sticky sauce over the ribs. Cover and chill for 1-24 hour to marinate. Can be frozen after 24 hours.
  • Place the ribs in oven, 200C for 20 mins, or 180C for 30 min before serving.

  • 用烤箱或是鑄鐵鍋加可樂至淹過肉煮爛肋排。烤箱設160度烤兩個小時,或在瓦斯爐上用鑄鐵鍋煮。
  • 兩個小時後,肋排取出,稍微擦乾,放到保鮮盒內,如有多餘液體請倒掉。
  • 用小鍋把 BBQ 醬料慢慢攪拌小火煮至滾兩分鐘。
  • 醬料倒入保鮮盒內,醃肋排菸他個一個小時到24個小時,過後可冷凍,等要吃再取出解凍。
  • 將肋排與醬料拿入烤箱 200 度 C 烤二十分鐘或是 180 度烤三十分鐘,有點焦有點黏就可以拿出來。

派對烤肉烤肋排,我通常抓 500g 肋排一個客人,可是光吃肋排也挺無趣的,這時候我就把一部份的肉改成豬肩膀肉 - 做騙人的 BBQ Pull Pork!

五花豬肚有點太肥,英國超商買的 Pork Chops 又太瘦,目前覺得 Pork Shoulder Chops 最好,有肥有瘦的。與肋排一起請客八人肉單如下:

2.1kg Pork Ribs
1.5kg Pork Shoulder Chops
Sauce x3


偉哉 BBC。