24 September 2012

騙人的莓果提拉米蘇 Berry Tiramisu

投桃要報李,人家給我牛肉燉肉,我也就準備個騙人的莓果提拉米蘇,只是牛肉燉肉得花三個小時,我這個騙人的莓果提拉米蘇只花了五分鐘。老實說,我也不覺得這個叫做提拉米蘇,雖然我不知道什麼可以定義為「提拉米蘇」,可是沒咖啡又不是義大利人做的(耶?)我想這只能叫做 trifle...

  1. 175g Sponge Finger 手指餅乾
  2. 250g Mascarpone 馬嘶卡幫起司
  3. 75ml Fruit or Berry liqueur 甜甜的高濃度的酒,我用橘子口味的
  4. 75ml Fruit juice 果汁。這邊用橘子汁
  5. 2tbsp Icing sugar and some for dusting 糖霜
  6. 20g Chocolate, grated 巧克力
  7. 4tbsp milk 牛奶
  8. Berrys 莓果

  • Line a large, deep bowl with the sponge fingers, mix3 and 4 then carefully pour over the sponge fingers.
  • Add 5 and 7 mixed with 2, whisk with an electric whisk on the lowest setting for about 2 minutes, or by hand, until all the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is smooth. Spoon the creamy mixture on top of the sponge fingers.
  • Scatter the berries over the top. Finely grate over the chocolate and icing sugar. Pop the tiramisu into the fridge before serving.

  • 把1擺在深盤裡面,先把果汁和酒混合均勻後倒入深盤。
  • 把2, 5, 7打到滑順,也鋪到深盤裡面。
  • 把莓果放在滑順起司上,撒上點糖霜和巧克力碎屑,放入冰箱要吃的時候在拿出來。


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