28 December 2009

Chicken in a Pan 烤香煎雞



題外話。這道菜的名字有點懶,Chicken in a Pan,如果按照這名兒的道理,那 Fish and Chips 就得變成 Fish and potato in a deep fryer;而紅酒燉牛肉就得變成 Beef in a le creuset (pot)?

安你尾~平安夜食譜來!Chicken in a Pan

  1. 2 tbsp olive oil
  2. 8 pieces of chicken, skin left on 八塊帶皮雞肉
  3. 1 large onion, peeled and sliced
  4. 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and crashed
  5. 1 tbsp fresh thyme, roughly chopped (or 1 tsp dried thyme)
  6. 450g potatoes, peeled and sliced
  7. 175ml chicken stock and 175ml dry white wine
  8. Salt and pepper
  9. 125g cooked peas or broad beans or other peas/beans

  • Preheat the oven to 190C.
  • Heat the olive oil in a roasting tin over the hob, add chicken, skin side down, fry for 2-3 min or until skin is golden. Turn and brown the other side
  • Add 3-5, until soften. Add sliced potatoes, stir until potatoes coated in oil and beginning to turn golden.
  • Add 7, scraping up the crusty bits from the base of the tin. Season well, bring to boil, bubble gently for 5 min. Bake for 45 min
  • Before serving stir in 9.

  • 烤箱預熱190C
  • 用深烤盤在瓦斯爐上,熱油,雞皮朝下煎雞肉。煎2-3分鐘煎到雞皮金黃,然後翻面。
  • 加3-5,炒到洋蔥軟;加入馬鈴薯片,攪拌均勻。煎到馬鈴薯有點變金黃。
  • 加7。把烤盤底部沾黏的東西刮刮下來。撒適量的鹽和黑胡椒,煮沸,轉小火讓湯汁小滾個五分鐘。之後送入烤箱烤45分鐘。
  • 要吃之前把煮熟的豆子拌入雞肉(或是撒在一邊,隨便!)


老實說,本人覺得雞肉雖然還不錯吃~可是那個馬鈴薯是好吃到會讓人咬掉舌頭的那種好吃!!!! 所以如果不想把這個當主餐吃,也可以只丟馬鈴薯。免去煎雞肉的部份(廢言,都說只加馬鈴薯了~),先丟洋蔥等物,再丟馬鈴薯翻攪,加高湯和白酒後拿去烤~一定好吃!


咪後 said...

我看到"安你尾", 想說發生什麼事, 為啥要講"安娘尾"?

大煙 said...
