14 April 2009

冬季最佳黑橄欖燉牛肉 Beef Casserole with Black Olives

黑橄欖燉牛肉 Beef Casserole with Black Olives
  1. 400g~1.2kg shin of beef, cut into 4cm cube 牛腱
  2. 350g unsmoked bacon, cut into thin strips 培根
  3. 2 large onions, roughly chopped 洋蔥
  4. 3 large garlic cloves, peeled and crushed 大蒜
  5. 2 tbsp tomatoes puree 番茄泥
  6. 125 ml brandy 白蘭地
  7. 1 tbsp plain flour 麵粉
  8. 150 ml red wine 紅酒
  9. 300 ml beef stock 牛肉高湯
  10. Bouquet garni (2 bays leaves, few thyme sprigs, small bunch of parsley) 月桂葉,百里香,洋香菜
  11. 250g flat mushrooms, cut into strips 菇
  12. 125g black olives 黑橄欖

  • Brown the beef and bacon separately over a high heat in a casserole, remove and keep warm. Get rid off unwanted fat and liquid.
  • Cook onion in oil until golden brown, add garlic fry for 30 seconds, then mix in 5. Stirring for 1-2 min, then pour in 6.
  • Preheat the oven to 170C. Bring the casserole to boil and bubble to reduce by half, then add 7 and mix until smooth. Add 8-10, beef and bacon, bring to boil, cover, transfer to the oven and cook for 1.5 hours.
  • Add 11 and cook for further 5 min. Add 12, done!
  • 把牛肉和培根個別煎黃,取出保溫放一邊。把不要的油脂濾掉。
  • 用同一個鍋子炒洋蔥,炒到金黃,加大蒜在炒個30秒,加5,攪拌均勻煮個1-2分鐘後加6。
  • 烤箱預熱170度C。鍋內液體煮開,一直到液體減半,加7攪拌均勻。加8-10,加牛肉和培根,煮開蓋子蓋上熄火,丟到烤箱烤個1.5小時。
  • 加11,再烤5分鐘。加12,就好了!

小家庭沒大鍋的話可以一次煮 400g 的牛肉。小家庭有大鍋就可以弄個 1.2 公斤。而實驗成果表示 1.5公斤的牛肉配六杯米四個人完食。


elliot said...


大煙 said...



有DD,真好 said...


大煙 said...


你家廚房, 也弄一台? 有辦法嗎?