28 July 2015

不可置信的美味炖牛肉 Jamie's Insanely good beef stew


之所以會想起我的肉鋪,全都是因為吉米。吉米這食譜原本叫做 Insanely good oxtail stew,可是我找不到我喜歡的牛尾。不是每個牛尾我都願意的。我沒有公主王子病,我只是懶。我的肉鋪會把多餘的太過分的脂肪去掉,我一根手指頭都不需要動就有乾淨的牛尾可以拿回家。

  1. 1kg shin of beef, cut into chunks 牛腱
  2. 2x leeks, cut into 2cm chunks 大蔥
  3. 2x stalks of celery, cut into 2cm chunks 芹菜
  4. 4x carrots, cut into 2cm chunks 紅蘿蔔
  5. 3 sprigs of fresh thyme 百里香
  6. 2 sprigs of fresh rosemary, chopped 迷迭香
  7. 4 bay leaves 月桂葉
  8. 4 cloves 丁香
  9. 2x 400g tins of tomatoes 番茄罐頭
  10. 300ml porter/red wine/beef stock 黑啤酒,紅酒,或牛高湯

  • Brown the beef over a high heat in a casserole, remove and keep warm. Get rid of unwanted fat and liquid.
  • Cook 2-4 in oil until soft, add 5-8 and cook for further 3 min, then mix in 9 and 10.
  • Preheat the oven to 170C. Bring the casserole to boil and bubble, add beef then transfer to the oven and cook for 2 hours.

我通常抓一人200g的肉,畢竟... 1/4 pound = 113g,如果一個 1/4 pounder 漢堡包不吃那個包就光吃那個漢,正常人都可以吃個兩塊吧...可是話又說回來「the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends consuming no more than an average of 1.8 ounces of red meat per day」

1.8 ounces = 51 grams。
