26 April 2015

無麩質黑巧克力咖啡杏仁蛋糕 Gluten-free dark chocolate & coffee cake

麩這字念 Fu,一聲 fu。選這食譜和有無麩質一點關係都沒有,純粹就是個「恩,還有什麼是包含巧克力可是我還沒有試過的」概念。食譜來自吉米的網站,用了很大氣的標題,說是個:
BOLDEST Coffee Cake
................................................................................. In the World

是不是什麼 the best, the boldest 我是不知道啦,可是真的是 the moistest, the easiest, there is no way one can fuck it up 的食譜。

  1. 200g ground almond 杏仁粉
  2. 200g dark chocolate 黑巧克力
  3. 175g unsalted butter 無鹽奶油
  4. 70g caster sugar 糖
  5. 4 eggs (separated) 分蛋
  6. 20ml strong espresso 濃咖啡

  • Melt 2, 3, 6 in a bowl over a pan of simmering water, stirring occasionally.
  • Whisk together the egg yolks and the sugar until thick and pale.
  • Fold the chocolate mixture in to the egg and sugar mixture and then fold in 1.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites in to stiff peaks and then fold this in to the cake mixture.
  • Bake in the 170C oven for 30 minutes.

  • 隔水融化巧克力,奶油和咖啡。
  • 蛋黃加糖打至稠。
  • 加入巧克力奶油糊與杏仁粉至蛋黃糖糊內。
  • 拿另一乾淨容器打蛋白至發泡後,與蛋糕糊攪拌均勻。
  • 170度烤箱烤30分鐘。
