30 June 2009



London Lite, Monday, June 29, 2009, page 11

倫敦氣溫今天三十度,這星期會有33度高溫,所以專家學者呼籲大家說,要多喝水以及遠離陽光喔~不然會脫水喔~連 Meteorological Office 都發佈了第一波熱浪警告:

  •  Taking Cold Showers 請大家多多洗冷水澡(是說,看完 Transformers 2的人都滿需要的...不然坐在倫敦地鐵幾百公尺深,沒有空調和幾十萬人一起擠後也是很需要洗澡的.....)

  • Drink plenty of water 喝很多水
  • Avoiding alcohol and too much exercise 避免酒精飲品以及過度運動(阿溫布墩算不算?)
  • and Staying out of the sun between 11am and 3pm 十一點到下午三點請避免陽光!(待在地鐵隧道裡面沒有更好!)
  • 還很貼心的和倫敦人說,keep an eye on elderly relatives and neighbors and those with heart condition 請在熱浪來襲時刻多多關心年老親友鄰居以及有心臟問題的!(在 MJ 過後,心臟兩字特別顯眼...)

10 June 2009

蘋果豬排 Pork Chops with Apple



Serves 2~4

  1. 450ml Apple Juice 蘋果汁
  2. 250g big potatoes, peeled and cut into 1cm slices 大馬鈴薯
  3. 250g sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1cm slices 地瓜
  4. 2 cooking apples, peeled, cored, and cut into 1cm slices 煮食用的蘋果
  5. Salt and fresh ground pepper
  6. 45g plain flour 普通麵粉
  7. 4 pork chops, ideally around 2.5cm thick, trimmed of excess fat 最好要2.5公分厚的豬排,不過我這次用的只有大約1.2公分厚(這樣算大約嗎?!)...
  8. 4 fresh sage leaves 鼠尾草,不過如果找不到就算了..(這麼隨意?!)

  • Boil the apple juice and preheat the oven to 180C.
  • Grease a large baking tray, arrange 2, 3 and 4 in fish scale style, a layer of 2, then a layer of 3 etc, slightly overlapping. Sprinkle with 5.
  • Pour apple juice in the tray. Cover the tray with foil and bake 45 min; take it out,  remove the foil and bake for a further 20 min.
  • Season the flour with more 5 in a food bag, coat the pork chops with the seasoned flour, shaking off any excess.
  • Use a very hot pan browning the chops, around 3 min each side or til golden brown.
  • Put chops on the top in the tray, put a sage leaf on each chop.
  • Leave the tray uncovered, cook until most of the liquid is absorbed, about 30min.

  • 蘋果汁煮沸,烤箱預熱180C
  • 大烤盤抹點油,把2, 3, 4 依序以魚鱗狀排好,一層馬鈴薯片,一層地瓜片,一層蘋果片,有一點重疊這樣。排好在上面撒5。
  • 把煮滾的蘋果汁倒進烤盤中,用錫箔紙包起烤45分鐘;之後拿掉錫箔紙,再烤個20分鐘。
  • 拿個食物專用塑膠袋,把5, 6丟進去弄均勻,在把豬排丟進去,抖一抖拿出來。
  • 把麵粉豬排拿去用高溫煎一煎鎖住肉汁,大約一面三分鐘,兩面都煎金黃。
  • 烤盤拿出來,豬排擺上去,每片豬排上再加上一片鼠尾草葉子
  • 再烤個30分鐘,差不多果汁都乾了就可以吃了!

