21 February 2019

桂嬌姨台式拌炒米粉量化版 Taiwanese Stir Fry Rice Noodles


桂嬌姨的炒米粉量化版四到五人份 serves 4-5 people:

  1. 230g thin rice noodles, soaked in cold water for 30 minutes 新竹米粉
  2. 300g pork belly, sliced 五花肉
  3. 1/2 sweet heart cabbage, thinly sliced 高麗菜
  4. 140g carrot, thinly sliced 紅蘿蔔
  5. 2x onions, thinly sliced 洋蔥
  6. 4x spring onion, cut in 5cm in lengths 蔥
  7. 3 stalks of celery, cut in 5cm in lengths 芹菜
  8. 5/6 large Chinese mushroom, sliced 香菇
  9. 8 cloves of garlic, sliced 大蒜
  10. 10-20g dried shrimp, soaked in cold water 蝦米
  11. 20g dry fried onion 油蔥酥
  12. 4 tbsp soy sauce paste 醬油膏
  13. 4 tbsp soy sauce 醬油
  14. 1 tsp ground white pepper 白胡椒粉
  15. 1/2 tsp sugar 糖
  16. 1/2 tsp salt 鹽

  • Add 2 tbsp of oil and stir fry garlic slices in a wok over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Add dried shrimp, sliced Chinese mushroom and sliced pork. Should have at least 2-3 minutes break between each ingredient.
  • Add half of the required soy sauce paste and soy sauce into the wok. Mix well, add the dry fried onion with sugar and ground white pepper. Remove all to a container.
  • Add 2 tbsp of oil and stir fry the sliced onion over a medium high heat until softened, add spring onions, celery, carrots and cabbage separately with minimum of 2 minutes in between. Add 50 ml of water and salt, cook until all veg are softened. Remove all to a different container.
  • Add half of the meat mixture back to the wok over medium heat, add 230ml of water or enough water to just cover the meat mixture. Add remaining soy sauce paste and soy sauce, give it a quick stir. Add drained rice noodles, gently mix it then place the lid back on. Slowly cook the rice noodles in the wok until most or all of the liquid are absorbed, around 5 minutes.
  • Add the reminding meat and veg into the wok, mix well. 

  • 小火用兩大匙油先炒香大蒜片,依序加入泡軟的蝦米,香菇,跟肉片。每樣間隔 2-3 分鐘炒好後再放下一樣。
  • 加入兩大匙的醬油膏跟醬油,攪拌均勻後加入油蔥酥,糖,以及白胡椒粉,起鍋。
  • 中火兩大匙油炒洋蔥至軟,依序加入蔥段,芹菜段,紅蘿蔔絲以及高麗菜絲。每樣間隔 2 分鐘後再加。加入 50 毫升的水以及鹽,炒到軟後起鍋。
  • 將一半的肉炒料回鍋,不要加油,中火加 230 毫升的水以及剩下的醬油膏跟醬油,攪拌均勻後加入米粉,攪拌均勻蓋上蓋子悶煮五分鐘,或是到鍋內的水快要看不見。
  • 倒入剩餘的肉炒料跟蔬菜,攪拌好即可。


