不,你沒走錯。點下去的連結沒錯網路沒錯也不是你眼花,這裡真的是「西大煙 The Big Old Smoke」,不是大名鼎鼎轟動武林驚動萬教花飛花誤非勿千山鳥飛來萬徑都是人的「松露玫瑰之神仙花園」。只是...
人家松露正是我們全球台灣鄉親下水大串連的第一棒主打啦!!!!(叉腰狂笑~)說古時候有為了朋友兩勒插刀,現在也有松露為煙兩邊插花,讓鄉親們也來蚊香啊蚊香一下~~來!! 我們荷蘭代表接力賽第一招:家常絕活醃雞肝!!!!
Oriental wine, vinegar and soy sauce marinated chicken livers 醃雞肝
- 500g chicken livers 雞肝
- 150ml mirin (or 150ml of white wine/rice wine/sake with 1tbsp of brown sugar) 味醂,可用白葡萄酒/米酒/清酒,加上一大湯匙的糖取代。
- 150ml soy sauce 醬油
- 150ml vinegar 工研黑醋
- 1tbsp ground white pepper 白胡椒粉
- Blench 1 in boiled water for a few minutes, remove and place it under cold water.
- Place 2-5 in a small saucepan, as soon as the sauce is boiled, add 1, boil again, turn the heat off, allow livers to be marinated in the sauce for at least 4 hours. Slice to serve.
- 雞肝熱水汆燙,熱水沸騰後撈出沖涼水。
- 另取鍋將醃料煮滾,將雞肝放入,滾後熄火至少醃4小時。
第二棒則是我們的法國小廚神 Craig 的涼拌羊肚!!! 要知道,想要成為廚神,不能光靠天分,還得靠努力不懈與精益求精(literally)的精神,無時無刻不在想著要怎麼把料理拉到更高一個階層,就連在大家很熱切的在討論如何減肥健身的時候小廚神還是不忘他那已經處理好了只剩下還沒涼拌的
Shredded Lamp's Stomach Salad 涼拌羊肚
- 500-600g lamb's stomach 羊肚
- 3-5 cloves of garlic 蒜頭
- 2-3 red chilli 紅辣椒
- 2-3 spring onion 蔥
- 4-5 slices of ginger 薑
- 200-250ml vinegar 工研醋或白醋
- 1 tbsp sesame oil 香麻油
- 1 tsp stock powder 雞粉或高湯粉
- 1/2 tsp ground white pepper 白胡椒粉
- Salt and ground black pepper 鹽和黑胡椒粉,適量
- 1tbsp frashly chopped coriander (optional) 香菜
- Clean and boil the stomach. Finely shred it along with 2-5, then mix with 6-11, done!
- 羊肚先洗淨燙熟,把羊肚和2-5切成細絲,加入醋、雞粉、白黑胡椒粉,香菜及香油,充分攪拌即可。如講究點,可以先把香油加熱後再攪拌~~
第三棒,喔喔喔這次由本人上陣~鶯歌無尾熊!!!(前情參照全球台灣鄉親牛肉湯大串連之四)我們鶯歌幫果然是江山代有人才出啊,不過人家很含蓄一點也不風騷!!!(國文老師我對不起你!!!!!!)是說為了這雞肝,無尾熊不知道花了多少心血和心力,還得自己吃掉!!! 畢竟,在鶯歌是很難買到這些東西的!!!(雖說都是我害的不過台灣是寶島無誤...)
Balsamic Chicken Liver巴薩米克黑醋生煎雞肝
- 60g (1/2cup) flour 麵粉
- 1 tsp red chilli flakes 辣椒
- 2 tbsp olive oil 橄欖油
- 450-500g (1lb) chicken liver, cleaned and cut in half 雞肝
- 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 巴薩米克黑醋
- 56g (2 ounces) butter or 4tbsp of olive oil 奶油,或是用橄欖油取代
- Salt and ground black pepper 鹽和黑胡椒粉
- Combine 1 and 2 in a resealable plastic bag. Place 4 in the bag and shake to completely coat, remove and set aside.
- Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan. Pan-fry livers for 2-5 minutes each side depending on how you like it. Remove the livers and set aside.
- Add the balsamic vinegar to the pan, and scrape the bottom of the pan to lose any crusty bits. Add the butter (or olive oil), and continue to mix well.
- Return the livers to the pan, coating them with the sauce and warming them through.
- 用個食物保存袋把1, 2, 4丟進去,搖晃均勻,取出雞肝。
- 拿個炒鍋平底鍋用橄欖油煎雞肝,每一面差不多2-5分鐘或是煎到你爽的熟度。盛出雞肝。
- 倒入巴薩米克醋,把炒鍋底部刮刮,加入奶油,或是橄欖油,喇一喇攪拌均勻。
- 把煎好的雞肝再丟入炒鍋裡,與醬汁攪拌均勻上桌吃掉!
站長實在是太造福世人啦! 最近學校太忙都沒來, 一來就被各式樣料理閃瞎了.
新年快樂, 大家平安. 感謝分享!
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