老文新放,食譜本人是從 Sainsbury's 出來的,要不是 寶媽 做了說超好吃還分享出來報給大家知我應該到現在也不會去試做。依照慣例按著原本食譜做過幾次之後,我就把原食譜給更改了這麼一點點來去配合十八的口味,所以大家自己看著辦黑~

- 150g unsalted butter 無鹽奶油
- 200g dark chocolate 黑巧克力(e.g 100g 的 72﹪Belgian dark chocolate and 100g Green and Blacks organic 70% dark chocolate with espresso)
- 200g caster sugar 糖
- 4-5 eggs
- 75g plain flour 麵粉
- 300g soft cheese 軟起司
- 200g fresh stoned cherries or 120g blueberries, or other exotic fruits 水果
如果買不到 espresso 口味的黑巧克力,拿一或兩匙即溶咖啡,一大匙熱水融化丟到巧克力糊裡面也可。
- Combine the butter with the dark chocolate in a bowl set over a saucepan of simmering water and stir continuously until melted.
- Cool, then stir in 150g of the caster sugar. Beat in three eggs, one by one, then mix in the plain flour and set aside.
- In a separate bowl, whisk 300g soft cheese, the remaining caster sugar and 1-2 eggs until creamy.
- Drop alternate spoonfuls of each mixture into a greased and lined 20x20cm baking tin. Swirl together to create a marbled effect.
- Scatter the cherries/blueberries on top, press into place and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4 for 30–35 minutes. Cool covered with foil on a rack, then serve for a cherry-filled treat.
- 隔水融化奶油和黑巧克力後放涼點。
- 加入150g的糖,再把三顆蛋一個個的丟進入糖油巧克力糊裡,加入麵粉。
- 拿另外一個大碗把軟起司,50g的糖和一顆大蛋或兩顆小蛋打到順滑。
- 把黑的白的兩個糊倒進烤膜拿根筷子喇一喇!
- 撒下水果,輕壓近巧克力糊裡,丟到180度C的烤箱烤30-35分鐘!
拿來作蛋糕的巧克力真的覺得和煮菜用的酒一樣,雖然不要求用最好的食材,可是也不好用太爛。如果拿 chocolate flavoring 之類的化學巧克力磚,做出來的布朗尼的味道就是差了點。當然,有石頭舌的怎樣都吃不出來那個不同點當然就隨便用也不強求。
20/09/10 update
這做出來據說如果切成十二塊的話,原本食譜是說大約一塊是含了 439 cals,23g fat,42g added sugar,0.3g salt。如果有少用糖,用很黑的黑巧克力,又用 low fat 的軟乳酪,一份嗽ㄍㄟ掰藍莓大理石布朗尼 So Gay Bye Blueberry Dark Chocolate Brownie 應該有可能比 400 大卡少一點點吧。